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deardiary(写日记 Dear diary 是什么意思)

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dear diary的歌词(20分)急 !!!!!!!!!

Dear Diary

Today I saw a boy and I wondered if e noticed me

e took my breat away. Dear Diary

I can't get im off my mind and it scares me 'cause I've never felt t is way. No one in t is world knows me better t an you do

so diary I'll confide in you. Dear Diary

Today I saw t at boy as e walked by I t oug t e *** iled at me

and I wondered does e know w at's in my eart? I tried to *** ile

but I could ardly breat e. S ould I tell im ow I feel or would t at scare im away? Diary

tell me w at to do

please tell me w at to say. Dear Diary

One touc of is and

now I can't wait to see t at boy again. He *** iled

and I t oug t my eart could fly. Diary

do you t ink t at we'll be more t an friends? yea ea yea ea yea o I've got feeling we'll be so muc more.. t an friends. oo .. yea yea yea 是这个吗? sorry i don't ave .

Dear Diary

Today I saw a boy and I wondered if e noticed me

e took my breat away. Dear Diary

I can't get im off my mind and it scares me 'cause I've never felt t is way. No one in t is world knows me better t an you do

so diary I'll confide in you. Dear Diary

Today I saw t at boy as e walked by I t oug t e *** iled at me

and I wondered does e know w at's in my eart? I tried to *** ile

but I could ardly breat e. S ould I tell im ow I feel or would t at scare im away? Diary

tell me w at to do

please tell me w at to say. Dear Diary

One touc of is and

now I can't wait to see t at boy again. He *** iled

and I t oug t my eart could fly. Diary

do you t ink t at we'll be more t an friends? yea ea yea ea yea o I've got feeling we'll be so muc more.. t an friends. oo .. yea yea yea

dear diary .baidu/m?f=msrn=tn=baiduct=134217728word=dear+diarylm=-1 有埋,英文歌词

上网揾的=] Dear Diary

Today I saw a boy and I wondered if e noticed me

e took my breat away. Dear Diary

I can't get im off my mind and it scares me 'cause I've never felt t is way. No one in t is world knows me better t an you do

so diary I'll confide in you. Dear Diary

Today I saw t at boy as e walked by I t oug t e *** iled at me

and I wondered does e know w at's in my eart? I tried to *** ile

but I could ardly breat e. S ould I tell im ow I feel or would t at scare im away? Diary

tell me w at to do

please tell me w at to say. Dear Diary

One touc of is and

now I can't wait to see t at boy again. He *** iled

and I t oug t my eart could fly. Diary

do you t ink t at we'll be more t an friends? yea ea yea ea yea o I've got feeling we'll be so muc more.. t an friends. oo .. yea yea yea

参考: 上网揾-


M2M的《Dear Diary》的歌词和歌词翻译是什么?

Verse 1 Dear diary,亲爱的日记 Somet ing good appened today 今天有一件美妙的事情发生 He finally called me by my name 他终于叫了我的名字 I didn't know ow to be ave 我那时手足无措 W at to say or do 该怎么说怎么做 I was so confused 我真的很困惑 Verse 2 Dear diary, 亲爱的日记 I wanna talk to im again 我想再和他说说话 But w enever e is wit is friends 但他总是和他的朋友形影不离 He keeps trying to pretend 他总是在假装不在意 But i already see 但我已经看出来 T e way e feels for me 他对我的感觉(他眼中闪现的光芒) C orus W at can i do? 我该怎么做 Tell me w at can i say 告诉我我该说什么 W en do i let im know i feel t e same way? 当我想告诉他我和他有一样的感觉(我已和他来电) How can my feelings be so ard to s ow w en I really want im to know 当我真的想要他知道时 我的感觉怎么会这么难说出口 (当我真的想要他知道我的感觉时怎么会这么难说出口) Verse 3 Dear diary, 亲爱的日记 He wrote some letters on is and 他写了几封信给我 It wasn't ard to understand 并不难知道这代表什么 I figured i'm part of is plans 我是他计划中的一部分 But now i'm in is eart 此刻我已在他心中 I don't know w ere to start 我都不晓得从哪里开始 C orus Bridge You're my secret iding place W ere my private t oug ts are safe 你是我心中深深的秘密 And just one look and e will see 只要一个眼神 W at's inside of me 他就会知道我心中的秘密 C orus x 2


写日记 Dear diary 是什么意思

Dear diary,意思是亲爱的日记。这是日记作者以跟日记本说话的方式写日记。


读音:英 ['daɪəri],美 ['daɪəri]

释义:n. 日记;日记簿




(3)在表示“一则日记”时要用an entry of diary。




读音:英 ['dʒɜːnl],美 ['dʒɜːrnl]

释义:n. 日志;日记;期刊

例句:He kept a journal during is visit to Japan.


2、sc edule

读音:英 ['ʃedjuːl],美 ['skedʒuːl]


(1)n. 时间表,日程;一览表;计划

(2)v. 预定;安排;编制目录

例句:T e morning is t e best time of t e day to sc edule a briefing.


一般来说 Dear Diary 的Diary大写是日记还是人名的意思??


Dear Diary表示亲爱的戴尔维。


Future Diary未来日记

Dear Diary亲爱的日记 ; 桫椤札记 ; 翻页日记本

My Diary我的日记 ; 电子日记本 ; 原野草屋 ; 小学生日记

site diary地盘工程日志 ; 上盖面积





4、在表示“一则日记”时要用an entry of diary。


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